Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teaching Students to Stand Up and Speak Out/ EduTopia

Teaching Students to Stand Up and Speak Out/ EduTopia

The author of this article provides tips about lessons learned and lessons to teach in the classroom about equality and to stand up for what you believe in.  She provides lesson ideas such as writing narratives, brainstorming, writing letters, and creating political cartoons.  Along with lesson ideas she also provides  resources for teachers such as websites and books.  I feel that it is important for students to speak up for themselves and for others.  Some are taught to ignore issues but sometimes it is important to listen and become educated about issues.

Free Online Resources Engage Elementary Kids (Tech2Learn Series)/ EduTopia

Free Online Resources Engage Elementary Kids (Tech2Learn Series)/ EduTopia

This article provides more great resources for teachers to use with students.  Since we are learning about how to use the read/write web some of these are familiar to me and some are not.  Some of the resources such as video tutorials on YouTube are familiar.  The teacher mentioned in this article also uses digital portfolios, art tutorials, and over 100 useful online websites!  I have checked them out and I look forward to using many of them in the classroom.

Engaging Students with Technology over the Summer/ EduTopia

Engaging Students with Technology over the Summer/ EduTopia

This article is another great resource for teachers to help students throughout the summer.  Since summer just began, I know everyone is thinking about how much the students are going to lose the knowledge that we taught.  I have posted before about summer reading and such but I found this article to give some more great resources.  The author provides technology resources that can be utilized during the summer months.  Some resources are: Storybird, Facebook, and Kidblog, Words with Friends, and even Instagram.  I have not heard of some of the resources but they are really neat to explore and engage students.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Adolescents, the Wilderness, and Schools/ EduTopia

Adolescents, the Wilderness, and Schools/ EduTopia

This was an interesting article to read because it discusses how nature can help not only troubled youth but all youth.  Nature is calming and sometimes it is a nice change of pace to leave technology behind and just go out on an adventure in nature.  The article discusses how troubled youth or alternative education programs use nature but that it would benefit all adolescents.  It was refreshing to read the article and it would be nice if students could take advantage of nature.

Quick Tips for Succeeding On a Low Budget/ EduTopia

Quick Tips for Succeeding On a Low Budget/ EduTopia

Schools all across the country are having cutbacks and budget issues.  Everyone has experienced the feeling of getting money cut from districts and I was interested to read what one struggling district did to save money.  The article discusses a district in Arizona that has had a lot of cuts but the district has the most success in Arizona and all excelling.  The article discusses some ways that the district has saved money such as: Moving positions around, using the internet, using materials wisely, asking for things, and going paperless just some of the things.  I feel that some of the tips are easy to implement and all schools could incorporate a few of the tips easily.

What Do Your Rules Say About You?/ EduTopia

What Do Your Rules Say About You?/ EduTopia

I have never thought about how creating rules should also be meaningful and have the students involved.  This article discusses rules and how most rules are created by teachers.  It discusses how a teacher should think about rules and if the rules are meaningful and raise student engagement.  It explains what rules will raise student engagement and what rules that lower engagement may look like. I will take these suggestions into consideration when the class is creating rules the following school year.  The article offered great ideas and rules should be helping students and become engaged throughout the day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

"Overnight Successes" Talk about their Failures

"Overnight Successes" Talk about their Failures

This is a short article but a very important article.  The article discusses success stories such as Mark Zuckerberg that created Facebook and how he had to overcome obstacles and people that viewed him as a failure.  He was persistent and how people all over the world use Facebook.  I feel that this could be beneficial for students to read because it can show that even successful people have had moments that people were harsh.  Those people did not give in and are now a success.

How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist/ EduTopia

How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist

This article is a must read for educators!  I found it to be insightful and have felt some of the stressors that are mentioned in the article.  An educator is always thinking about the students and it is stressful because we want them to succeed.  I am now able to see how the brain thinks and it is something to think about.  I will keep the tips in mind while teaching.

A Tech Expert's Not-So-Secret Sources> EduTopia

A Tech Expert's Not-So-Secret Sources

This article is from a high school teacher from here in Michigan.  We are currently talking about free tools so I found this article to be interesting.  He uses technology and decided to share some useful tools that he uses in the classroom.  Some websites are used everyday and other websites I had not heard of.  I would used these resources in the classroom and found something useful at every website.

Friday, June 1, 2012

"Gaming the System: Redshirting in Kindergarten"/ The Daily Riff

"Gaming the System: Redshirting in Kindergarten"/ The Daily Riff

This article has brought to my attention a new term that I have not heard of, Redshirting.  I clicked on the article to see what it was about because I work with children at the kindergarten age level.  It does not surprise me that parents would hold children back to help academically but did not know if it was really effective.  The article discusses what redshirting is and if it helps those children out or does not really help those children.  It is definitely something to think about.

What Are You Reading this Summer?/ EduTopia

What Are You Reading this Summer?/ EduTopia

I am an avid reader and I personally look for those books to enrich my life and allow me to go to another world.  We encourage students to read and I feel that we should be role models.  The author brings up how she remembers vacations and summer by what she has read.  I can relate to the author and I am always looking for new books to read.  She provides books that are education related and books for enjoyment.  The comments are just as useful because they provide even more resources.

Five-Minute Film Festival: Travel for Teachers/ EduTopia

Five-Minute Film Festival: Travel for Teachers

I feel that traveling is a must for any adult to experience and get away from everyday life.  I had personally never thought about how important travel can be for a teacher.  We are all creative and it is important to show the children that we are open to new things and share those experiences with the children.  This article provides a video playlist for teachers to watch and gain ideas/resources from other professionals.  There are links to sites and a must read for any educator.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Homework Trap/ EduTopia

The Homework Trap/ EduTopia

This article is a must read for parents that have children who do not like to do their homework.  This article is a great tool for teachers to give parents ideas and information on how to get their children to do their homework.  It offers 10 suggestions to lay down rules in the household.  Some suggestions that stick out from the article are: The parent is the head of the house and ultimately makes the decisions, set up a consistent homework time each night, and limit distractions.  I feel that parents often let the children tell them what to do.  This article opened my eyes and I would offer this website as a resource to parents in the classroom.

Summer Learning Tips/Edu Topia

Summer Learning Tips/Edu Topia

Working with children over the summer and providing information to parents is important so the children do not regress over the summer.  This article provided helpful tips to prevent the loss of knowledge during the summer especially to low income families.  Some simple things to do over the summer were reading, scavenger hunts, and flash cards.  I feel that the article provided simple tips that will really help those students during the summer.  The tips are also created at little to no cost to the parents which is a plus.

How Often Do You Interact With People of Another Race or Ethnicity?/ The Learning Network

How Often Do You Interact With People of Another Race or Ethnicity?/ The Learning Network

This article was interesting to read.  I was listening to the radio and they were talking about how white/caucasians were not the minority in America today.  I knew it was bound to happen eventually because the world is becoming so diverse.  The article touches on the issue and I was surprised to learn that New York schools are still segregated.  New York is such a melting pot that I would think the schools would be the most integrated.  That is definitely something to think about.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What Works for Differentiating Instruction in Elementary Schools/ EduTopia

What Works for Differentiating Instruction in Elementary Schools

This article is a great resource for teachers to think about differentiating instruction.  The article shows   how to develop differentiated instruction in the classroom in as little as 5 minutes.  There are quick ways to use it in the classroom and long term plans as well.  Educators can look at the article for ideas and also add ideas through the comment section at the bottom.  I like to use differentiated instruction as much as possible and I am excited to try them out in the classroom.

5 Tips to Avoid Teacher Burnout/ EduTopia

5 Tips to Avoid Teacher Burnout

This article is a must read for those teachers who are just starting out, as well as veteran teachers.  I know that I went through a lot during my first year of teaching and some of these tips have worked out well.  One tip that I learned early on was to go home!  I would stay at the school setting up my classroom and getting things ready that I would get incredibly stressed.  I learned that sometimes you need to leave it behind.  These tips are simple to follow and think about.

Let Students Innovate/ EduTopia

Let Students Innovate/ EduTopia

Every teacher should look at this article which is from a students' point of view.  One of the most important views that I took from this article is that a teacher should listen to their students.  The high schooler who wrote the article suggested that students should be able to talk to their teachers about things the teacher could change to help them learn.  He suggested the use of GoogleDocs and using the social media to offer a format for students to write suggestions.  I feel that educators often overlook the students' point of view and just listening to the students'.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Ways to Stop Bullying and Move into Action/ EduTopia

Five Ways to Stop Bullying and Move into Action

This article opened my eyes to "Not in our School" program which provides 5 ways to stop bullying in schools.  I have heard about the Bully movie and I do hope that it opens eyes to bullying.  The author is the director of the program.  She discusses the problems, student solutions, and how everyone has to recognize the problem in order to fix it.  The 5 ways to stop bullying are easy to follow and I feel they could be a help to all educators.  We should not turn our heads away from bullying but put a stop to it.

An Internet Field Trip: Exploring the Arctic by Dogsled/ EduTopia

An Internet Field Trip: Exploring the Arctic by Dogsled

This topic/resource in this article was very interesting to learn about!  It introduces a site called GoNorth! which students can interact with online.  It is a neat idea for the children to have a field trip by using the computer.  The classroom is able to log in and follow actual people who are traveling through the Arctic.  The class can actually video chat with the people throughout their journey.  It is also free, which is a big selling point.  The website is currently being worked on but I am going to keep checking to see how engaging it is.

Education: The Single Most Important Job/ EduTopia

Education: The Single Most Important Job/ EduTopia

I felt that this article shows a point of view from someone that is not an educator but appreciates what we do.  I am a big fan of Star Wars and I came to appreciate George Lucas even more.  He explained how he did not enjoy school until he went to college and could focus on something that he loved.  Technology today is changing the way children like him can learn.  He explains how students can be a part of the learning process and not passive learners.  I thought it was nice to get someone else's point of view and discuss education today.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Parents and Teachers: The Possibility of a Dream Team/ EduTopia

Parents and Teachers: The Possibility of a Dream Team

This article brings up good points about how important communication is between the parents and the teacher.  People constantly judge other people and the article talks about how educators and parents judge each other.  If we could work together and not criticize each other, the other people who benefit are the students.  The second point from the article is that parents often dump issues onto the teacher and expect the teacher to fix it.  I have experienced this issue firsthand and it is probably the hardest to overcome as a teacher.  It may not change but it is important to teach and encourage parents to continue working with children outside of school.  The article introduces a three-call method where the teacher maintains contact with parents and discusses positives and not always negative news.  This article is a great tool for teachers and I plan on working with parents to build a positive learning environment.

How the iPad Is Changing Education/ Read Write Web

How the iPad Is Changing Education

Technology is changing schools and the iPad is one piece of technology that has made a great impact.  One positive of the iPad is that it can be used from Pre-K through high school.  One positive point from the article is that although iPads cost money, ultimately districts will be able to use ebooks which are cheaper and more convenient.  The iPad engages students and could be used by all ages.  An educator in the article is quick to point out that the technology should not be used alone to teach.  I have teacher friends that use the iPad and my family members have iPads.  I have seen how easy they are to use and the educational games do keep my young nephews' attention.  Again, it is a good supplement that should be used in the classroom.

Should Video Games Replace Classroom Learning? PBS Teachers

Should Video Games Replace Classroom Learning?

I am working in a Pre-K setting and I am preparing for my final parent teacher conferences.  I have been testing the children to see how much they have grown since September.  One child is able to spell and write his name but is having trouble identifying the letters.  I approached his mom and she told me that she has all the educational games at home.  It got me thinking about video games and if they should be used in the classroom.  The article brought up some good points about how children can relate to video games and bring lessons into the real world.  Technology provides the resources to tie into real world situations.  The article also discusses how games should push the students to learn more without being too difficult.  When we are teaching, we are doing the same thing by using zone of proximal development.  I personally feel that video games could be used as a supplement but parents and teachers should still interact with the children.