What Do Your Rules Say About You?/ EduTopia
I have never thought about how creating rules should also be meaningful and have the students involved. This article discusses rules and how most rules are created by teachers. It discusses how a teacher should think about rules and if the rules are meaningful and raise student engagement. It explains what rules will raise student engagement and what rules that lower engagement may look like. I will take these suggestions into consideration when the class is creating rules the following school year. The article offered great ideas and rules should be helping students and become engaged throughout the day.
I have included students in the creation of rules the past two years and have had success. In middle school, I found that students are conditioned to have certain rules in school and most of the rules I want to be included they suggest themselves. This is also a great opportunity for discussing the importance of rules and why they are necessary. Through discussion all of the rules are covered and students feel empowered because THEY got to help create them!