Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Homework Trap/ EduTopia

The Homework Trap/ EduTopia

This article is a must read for parents that have children who do not like to do their homework.  This article is a great tool for teachers to give parents ideas and information on how to get their children to do their homework.  It offers 10 suggestions to lay down rules in the household.  Some suggestions that stick out from the article are: The parent is the head of the house and ultimately makes the decisions, set up a consistent homework time each night, and limit distractions.  I feel that parents often let the children tell them what to do.  This article opened my eyes and I would offer this website as a resource to parents in the classroom.


  1. This is a great resource! I send a homework compact at the start of every year in which parents and stcuents amke a promise to work on homework and set some parameters of how they are going to work together on homework throughout the year.

  2. This article does provide a great resource for parents. Often times we think that parents know the importance of homework and how to help their children succeed with homework. However, sometimes we need to realize parents needs suggestions sometimes as much as we do. This is a great resource to have available for parents at the beginning of the year, or to have posted on your class website.
